
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Life these days....

Image source: Pixabay

               It is crazy the way things are happening in the world these days. So many atrocities everywhere. It is scary that our kids are growing up in this kind of environment. Aren't you supposed to get wise with the knowledge? Instead people are using their intelligence to harm others rather than using it for the wellbeing of the world. We are controlled more by machines and forgetting to be human.

             As such every human is going through personal tension or stress. Then there are all these illnesses that have taken over the world like cancer, Ebola, swine flu etc. Then there are natural calamities like hurricanes, tornados, floods, earth quakes etc that are happening around the world reminding us the power of nature. Why don't we enjoy whatever days we have on this earth? Do something kind. Life is short so live your life completely and let others live theirs.

       But no, we have some psychopaths among us for whom this is not enough. So they resort to all kinds of atrocities like rape, murder, attacks, spreading hatred  etc. What do they achieve by doing all these? I guess this is what happens when you let your emotions overpower your intelligence. You are letting someone control how you think, what you think and what you are going to do etc. Don't blindly believe what is told to you and don't assume things. Use your common sense to analyze the situation and learn the facts. Let's be human. Let us create a safe and healthy world for our next generations.

         I know this post does not suggest any solution to the problems. All these natural and man-made disasters are making me sad and anxious so just wanted to vent.


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